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What’s happened to your love – Linas Adomaitis ir Simona Jakubėnaitė
What’s happened to your love?
What’s happened to my love?
We’ve been together for so long
But now the feeling’s gone…
Could you give me one more try?
I will never make you cry.
Yes, I’ve made mistakes before
Give your hand let’s go for more.
Oh, baby, you came back again,
Your eyes are shining like a flame,
I thought I would forget your touch
But now I love you so much…
What’s happened to your love?
What’s happened to my love?
We’ve been together for so long
But now the feeling’s gone…
I do remember your first words
And silence’s broken down my heart.
I want to dream about sky blue
If I can darling stay with you…
Let’s walk we did it for the first time,
Along the wavy sea shore line
Please smile you always did to me
Oh, baby, tell what do you feel?
What’s happened to your love?
What’s happened to my love?
We’ve been together for so long
But now the feeling’s gone…