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Round and round – Gravel
You say you never felt this way
You would be glad if you could only
Have another chance today
To find new ways how to control me
Well, thank you for the time we spent
You just have helped me understand that
I don’t need you here to stay
And there ain’t no stick my back can’t handle
Round and round we go, our roads went separated
Round and round I’ll burn your face in the morning paper
Round and round we go, our roads went separated
Round and round we go!
You say you never felt this way
You would be glad if you could only
Have another chance today
To find new ways how to control me
Well, thank you for the time we spent
You just have helped me understand that
I don’t need you here to stay
And there ain’t no stick my back can’t handle
Round and round we go, our roads went separated
Round and round I’ll burn your face in the morning paper
Round and round we go, our roads went separated
Round and round come on!