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Is this the rain? – Andrius Mamontovas
There’s the way to the heaven,
And there’s the way to hell…
You can choose until you’re 27,
Before the time puts on you this spell.
Is it a new beginning?
Or the same old end?
Am I your enemy?
Or am I still nobody’s friend?
Is this the rain?
Is this what the rain was saying?
Is this relief from my pain?
Relief given by rain.
There’s the way of emotion,
But there’s the way back home…
And the desert, and the ocean,
You should cross them all alone.
And it’s a cruel direction
But there’s an angel around,
Have you seen her reflection
When we all looked down?
Is this the rain?
Is this what the rain was saying?
Is this relief from my pain?
Relief given by rain