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Hello come on – Happyendless
I am on your back
Jumping through the wall
I will give you something special
You will ask for more
I’m under your skin
Adopting everything
Hardest is uncovered
When I’m suffering
Early mornings you remind me
Where the hell have you been?
Was walking on a thin glass
Why to feel the same
I said the same baby
The same baby
Fuck your blame
Hello, come on
You don’t need to know
Where I was gone to
Hello, come on
You don’t need to know
Where I belong to
I that sucker bitch
That lives inside your mind
Recharging energy
Discarding human kind
Good good bad
Exactly how I want
Faster faster faster faster
Do the things you don’t
So that’s how we make a couple in our life (x2)
Hello, come on
You don’t need to know
Where I was gone to
Hello, come on
You don’t need to know
Where I belong to