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Floating to you – Linas Adomaitis
I don’t know where you’re from
And where you go
But I’m floating to you, I’m floating to you
I don’t care what you drink
Or what you smoke
I like you so, I like you so… (I like you so)
Show me the music in your back
And I’ll move with you, I’ll swing with you
So dance in the moonlight with me
Cause I’m floating to you (I am floating to you)
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
Who moved the beat in my song
I suppose it was you, was it you? (yes, it was me)
Today I open window of my soul
Cause I fall into you (fall into you)
I fall into you
Now, when you cry, when you smile
I’m floating to you, I’m floating to you
Lend me your talent for a moment
I will play for you… (Oh, you play for me)
(So nice, so nice, so nice…)
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
I’m feeling like funky soul
My body in this function, yo
Pump it up and bagging flow
I’m floating, I’m floating, I’m floating, I’m floating….
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you
Yes, I’m floating to you
I’m floating to you