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The one (feat. Jovani) – Saulės kliošas
There was a story ’bout love and dreams
She was the one
A very special girl
That look in her eyes was as blue as summer’s sky full of love ond happyness
The days and the nights were passing by
Until once she saw him that night in club
All she ever dreamed of all she ever thaught was
Never ending love
She believed in life, colorful life
With no wories inside, no troubles, no lies, everlasting faith, made a brighter day
He was the one
every girl’s perfection
He was searching for a special kind of lady
And there she was
Standin’ on the dancefloor
Shades and lights around her
They met each other and a miracle happened
And nobody knew what they talked about thath night
‘Cause only stars could see them, only sky could hear the begining of their love
They believed in life, colorful life
With no wories inside, no troubles, no lies, everlasting faith made a brighter day
Love and each other aim on their life
thats the only thing in their mind
They believed in life, colorful life
with no wories inside, no troubles, no lies,
Everlasting faith made a brihter day
They believed in their life
With no wories inside, no troubles, no lies,
Everlasting faith made a brihter day