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Another day – Amberlife
You must go, you must leave, leave the place
You have spent right there your lucky days
Out there past race of your eyes
And it fills memorial of skies
I’ve got you just for a second
I’ve got you for all the time
I’ve got you just for a moment
I’ve got you for all my life
Another day and another time I’ll be waiting
Another day and another time for you
Another day and another time I’ll be waiting
Keep waiting for only you, for only you (2k.)
Yes, there is reason in all my hopes
That my heart’s belonging in my notes
Yes, there is reason in all my hopes
That the time we spent was not that long
I’ve got you just for a second
I’ve got you for all the time
I’ve got you just for a moment
I’ve got you for all my life
Another day and another time I’ll be waiting
Another day and another time for you
Another day and another time I’ll be waiting
Keep waiting for only you, for only you (3k.)
Another day I’ll keep waiting
Another day just for you
Another day I’ll keep waiting
Keep waiting for only you, for only you