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Hope tea – Happyendless
Hope Tea
Why are you spending on that
Don’t dig on me
Cause this can be last
Hope Tea
Why do you suffer that much
It hurts so bad
I’m loosing my touch
On those lonely night weeks
Ten freaks ten one walks on the streets
On a river side preached
Someone tries get A life
On a Allbury Walk
Where you promised your life
When the wrong people talk
We feel alright
We feel alright
Never wanted to spin
Around around around
I believe I stuff I found
I lost and found
Hope Tea
Put on some bless upon me
So I could hear you good
And get what you say to me
All those lonely night weeks
Ten freaks ten one walks on the hills
On the pavements we preached
Someone tried get A life
On a Allbury Walk
Where you entered your light
When the wrong people talk
You feel alright
I feel alright
Oh why these years
Oh why these years
We shared some tears
And then we cried for years
The morning sober brings you back again
Remember always you are my friend