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To the sea – Andrius Mamontovas
I wanna take this chance,
I don’t wanna wonder if.
I’ve got to follow
My instincts this time,
I have to take all of this risk.
They say if you go that way
Someday you’ll be coming back…
But, I know myself better than they
So, I am on that one-way track.
I’m coming to the sea,
Coming to the sea…
To face the wind, my friend.
I strive ahead
Never looking back,
If I can’t fulfill my life
I’ll never have peace of mind.
There’s really that special place,
I am sick and tired, no more waste.
For me here no place left to be,
That’s why I’m coming to the sea.
I’m coming to the sea,
Coming to the sea…
To face the wind, my friend