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Miss kiss – Sasha Song
While I watch snow flakes fall I count the hours
And reminisce ’bout our first kiss I miss you more and more
‘Member look in your eyes first time I gave you flowers
Embracing ones heart it is the moment that worth living for
My loving love
Sudden-suddenly starts rushing through my veins
My lasting light
You guide me throughmy darkest nights
I’m missing you
I miss kissing you
I hope this moment never ends
I vow to you you’re my best friend
The scent of your caress is forever blooming
And colours of wild bares compliment your lips
I watch the rain light up your face and I know
You’re the one I love
See no one in this world could ever take your place
My loving love
Sudden-suddenly starts rushing through my veins
My lasting light
You guide me throughmy darkest nights
I’m missing you
I miss kissing you
I hope this moment never ends
I vow to you you’re my best friend