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Just like a wind – Martynas Beinaris
I always ask you the same
But you just smile for me
And keep the silence.
Will you wait me tonight at heart?
I want to come back home
But I will be undefeated
Alone in this world
This may be my fate and you know that
Will you help me to find the way?
I’m just like a wind
In your hands
Do you know that?
I’m just like a snow
In your mind
Can you feel that?
I always ask you the same
But you just smile for me
And keep the silence.
Will you wait me tonight at heart?
I want to come back home
But I will be undefeated
Alone in this world
This may be my fate and you know that
Will you help me to find the way?
I’m just like a wind
In your hands
Do you know that?
I’m just like a snow
In your mind
Can you feel that?