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Always – Amberlife
Always always there‘s some things you need
Always always there‘s a life you live
Never never, never you go away
Out of life dream, out of living way
Sometimes we know, what we should do
Sometimes we never find some new
Always always there‘s some things you need
Always always there‘s a life you live
Yeah we do (2k.)
Someday someday there will be my day
Someday someday parent makes no fake
Make a worth day
Make my wish come true
I am waiting waiting waiting for the better news
Sometimes we know, what we should do
Sometimes we never find some new
Always always there‘s some things you need
Always always there‘s a life you live (2k.)
Yeah we do (2k.)
So be resolved what you would do (3k.)
Just be… one… two… three… four!
Always always there‘s some things you need
Always always there‘s a life you live (4k.)