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Something – Andrius Pojavis
I have to tell you something that’s been on my mind so long
I’ve got to tell you this, it’s been on my mind way too long
I promised myself to tell
Instead I’m falling apart to see you again
If you don’t know, I’m in love with you
When summertime falls it becomes untrue
Because of the shoes I’m wearing today
One is called Love, the other is Faith
So tell me now I’m in your head
I’m in your heart, tell me now
Tell me now
Because I’m falling apart to see you again
If you don’t know, I’m in love with you
When summertime falls it becomes untrue
Because of the shoes I’m wearing today
One is called Love, the other is Faith
But still you don’t know, I’m in love with you
When summertime falls it becomes untrue
Because of the shoes I’m wearing today
One is called Love, the other is Faith
One is called Love, the other is Faith